Rarely a week goes by when a desperate parent doesn’t contact someone for help when their college-age child is in the emergency room for a drug-related issue. Young adults aged 18 to 25 account for 11.1% of drug-related emergency room visits in the US. They also have the highest rate of cannabis-related ER visits. It’s important for parents to debunk myths and understand the reality of college drug use to keep their children safe. Some common myths include assuming good kids won’t use drugs, thinking drug dealers look like criminals, believing weed use is harmless because parents used it in college, assuming only partyers use drugs, and not considering that their child could be involved in drug dealing. It’s crucial for parents to have open conversations with their children about drugs and equip them with necessary resources, such as Narcan spray for opioid overdose and encourage seeking help from medical professionals for focus, sleep, and anxiety issues.